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NYS Gun Licensing

What You Need To know

  • In New York, the license to possess a firearm must be signed by two people who witness the applicant’s signature and then those signatures must be notarized. Form.
  • Affidavit of Co-Habitant needs to be notarized. Book Notary here. We Come To You For Your Convenience.
  • The two (2) most recent copies of the business’s sales tax report (ST 100) submitted to the State of New York and Federal Tax Return submitted for the previous year. If the business is solely a wholesale operation, a copy of the Federal tax return submitted for the previous tax year must be submitted. All tax forms must bear notarized signatures.
  • REQUEST FOR PRE-LICENSE EXEMPTION form must be notarized.
  • All details of documents required for a hand-gun permit are in the form above.

    Permit Recertification Process.

    Under the recent change to New York State Law, concealed carry permit holders must now recertify every three years with the State Police, but those with premises restricted permits recertify every five years. Individuals with permits issued before September 1, 2020, have until August 31, 2023, to recertify. Online recertification is mandatory, and paper forms are no longer accepted.

    Those with permits in specific counties (New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, or Westchester) follow their respective county’s requirements, not the State Police.

    For Example: 
    My concealed carry permit was issued in January 2000 and I recertified with the NYSP on January 15, 2018.  Under the 5 year requirement I was due to recertify by January 15, 2023.  When do I need to recertify under the new law?

You have until August 31, 2023 to recertify, and should then recertify every three years thereafter.“

Background Checks are now required:

Beginning on September 13, 2023, background checks will also be required for purchasers of ammunition and antique firearms in New York State. 

The legislation requiring NYS to perform background checks for both firearm and ammunition transfers mandates a fee be charged for each transaction. The $9 fee for gun background transactions and the $2.50 fee for ammunition background transactions will be used to fund the New York State background check system.

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