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Utility statements and notarization: what you need to know

Notarization is a crucial process in the world of legal documents, often used to verify the authenticity of signatures on agreements, affidavits, and various certifications. However, when it comes to notarizing utility statements, the waters can become a bit murky. In this blog, we’ll explore whether utility statements can be notarized and the circumstances in which it might be necessary or beneficial.

Understanding Utility Statements

Utility statements, such as water, gas, electricity, or phone bills, are documents provided by service providers to customers. These statements detail the services used and the associated charges. They are typically used for billing purposes and as proof of residency.

Notarization: The Basics

A notary public is a state-appointed official responsible for verifying the identity of document signers and ensuring their willingness to sign voluntarily. While notarization doesn’t inherently make a document legal, it adds credibility and can be essential in various situations.

Can Utility Statements Be Notarized?

In most cases, notarizing a utility statement is not a common practice or a legal requirement. Utility statements primarily serve administrative purposes, such as billing and record-keeping. These documents are usually not subject to the same legal scrutiny or requirements as contracts, wills, or affidavits.

However, there may be instances where notarizing a utility statement could be requested or beneficial:

  1. Proof of Residency: Some organizations, such as government agencies or educational institutions, may require notarized utility statements as proof of residency for specific purposes, like enrollment or obtaining a driver’s license.
  2. Legal Proceedings: In legal proceedings where proof of residency is essential, notarized utility statements might be presented as evidence.
  3. Affidavits or Declarations: If a utility statement is being used as part of an affidavit or declaration, the notary may be required to notarize the document as a whole, which includes the utility statement.

The Notary’s Role

If a notary is asked to notarize a document that includes a utility statement, their primary responsibility remains verifying the identity of the signer and ensuring that they are signing willingly. The notary should also confirm that the document as a whole meets the requirements for notarization in their jurisdiction.


While notarizing utility statements is not a routine practice, there can be situations where it becomes necessary or beneficial. The decision to notarize a utility statement should be based on the specific requirements of the requesting party or the legal context in which the document will be used.

If you have questions about notarizing utility statements or need professional notary services for any type of document, The Opal Group is here to assist you. Our experienced notaries can provide guidance and ensure that your documents meet the necessary legal requirements.

Contact The Opal Group for expert notary services tailored to your unique needs.

Author: Vandana

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